Sunday 11:00AM – 5:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM – 5:00PM
The JCCNS is an award-winning community center welcoming families from across the North Shore. We offer enriching programs and services for everyone in the family — from our Early Childhood Program to Senior Strength & Balance classes, from parent-tot classes to adult education. We feature a state-of-the-art Fitness Center, over 85 weekly Group Exercise classes, after-school programs, summer camps, cultural programs and more. Everyone is welcome at the J!
Event Registration
9FebIsraeli Folk DancingJCCNSClass will be held at the JCCNS in WK FREE but please RSVP if you plan on attending to <a class="" href=""...
9FebEarly Childhood ProgramYoung Family Gym TimeJCCNSJoin us Sundays for Young Family Gym Time and enjoy our indoor soft play and equipment! Perfect for Infants, Toddlers and...
9FebSara Ewing2025 Music Concert Series at Salem State UniversitySalem State University<p>Pre-concert lecture with Peter Sheckman begins at 2:15pm</p><p><strong>February 9th: Trio Oko </strong><br />with Mina Kim, cello, Emma Powell, violin, and...
10FebJCCNS Women’s Book ClubZoomWe will be discussing<b> </b><strong><em>Husbands and Lover</em></strong>s by Beatriz Williams Book club will be meeting on Zoom only. Please email Sara Ewing...
11FebSusan WoodThe JCCNS Seacoast SingersJCCNSINTRODUCING A NEW GROUP at the JCCNS! Do you love music and singing? Join us for a joyful hour of song...
11FebSara EwingI Am Free… But Who Is Left?Cinema SalemThe Salem State University Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies presents a documentary screening and conversation with Director Joanne E....
12FebMary Pat HawkinsTap Dance Pop-Up ClassJCCNS<h3><span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">For all levels - no experience necessary!</span></h3> Join local tap teacher Erin Pelikhov for a fun and energizing tap class!...
12FebSusan WoodJBM Extra Chapter with author Dan SlaterJCCNS<em>The Incorruptibles: A True Story of Kingpins, Crime Busters, and the Birth of the American Underworld</em> <strong><em>A New York Times Recommended...
13FebMary Pat HawkinsDancEnergy Break Down ClassJCCNSHave you been thinking about coming back to Dancenergy, or perfecting the recent choreography? Participants will learn and review choreography at...
13FebSara EwingImagination: Inside the World of Marc ChagallJCCNSJoin Izzi Abrams for a five-week course exploring the life and art of Marc Chagall, one of the most revered...
Event Registration
Adult Classes/Series
Partner Events
The JCCNS is a non-profit organization supported by active members and generous donors. Please support our community by making your tax-deductible gift today!