Community Conversation with Ben Freeman

On March 4, 2025, Ben Freeman, internationally renowned author and founder of the modern Jewish Pride movement, discussed his book, “The Jews: An Indigenous People,” the final installment in his seminal Jewish Pride trilogy. The book is a powerful journey chronicling 3,000 years of Jewish history that boldly reclaims the Jewish narrative affirming that Jews are unequivocally indigenous to Israel.

In conversation with Karen Bar-Or, VP of Civic Engagement & Fighting Antisemitism at the Israeli American Council.

Sponsored by Karen and David Rosenberg and the Congregation Ahabat Sholom Fund.

Community Partners:
ADL New England, Antisemitism Task Force of North Shore, CJP, Congregation Shirat Hayam, Epstein Hillel School, The Consulate General of Israel to New England, Israeli American Council, Jewish Journal, Jewish National Fund USA, Lappin Foundation, NSJCC, Temple Tifereth Israel of Winthrop, Temple Emanu-El and Temple Sinai.